Cambodia Independence Day

Happy Cambodia Independence Day.

Cambodia celebrates Independence Day, a national holiday, on November 9 of each year. On November 9, 1953, Cambodia declared its independence from France. This day honors that declaration. Independence Monument is the location of the ceremony. Although there are celebrations in several regions, the main festivities take place in the capital city of Phnom Penh. #doitforcambodia.

History: #independentday #cambodia
In 1863, France began to rule over Cambodia. In 1949, King Norodom Sihanouk started claiming independence from France after nearly ninety years of colonization. His successful bid for complete independence in 1953 resulted in France’s agreement to decolonize the entire nation. Because of this success, he was revered by the people of Cambodia as “the father of independence,” signifying that he was the national hero. He aided in the quick development of the nation.

Independence Monument